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Charity through Art (CHAART) Foundation

Charity through Art (CHAART) Foundation

What We Do

We help those who help the poor and the needy

We Help Those Who Help The Poor And The Needy

Founded in 2008, we are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the state of Texas, USA. Our mission is to raise funds for charities doing great service to society. In accomplishing this mission, we are guided by five principles:

  1. We are wedded to the concept of diversity in art and organize multicultural art performances.
  2. Through our sponsors and donors, we bear the entire expense of organizing the concert.
  3. We give all the money (100%) raised from the concert through donations to charity organizations.
  4. We empower the donors to designate the charities they wish to donate to from a select list.
  5. We increase (enhance) the donations to the best extent possible based on our financial ability.
  • We were founded in 2008.
  • We are a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in the state of Texas, USA.
  • Our mission is to raise funds for charities doing great service to society to help the underprivileged.
  • We accomplish this mission by organizing and offering dance and music concerts to raise funds from donors.
  • We empower the donors to choose the charities they wish to donate from a select list.
  • We then match and double the donor contribution to the designated charity

We have organized several individual and small group concerts and six major dance productions during 2008-2022 to raise funds for worthy causes.


Collective conscience of Humanity! Portrayed through the story of Kannagi.


Is rare. Keep it if you find it! Portrayed through the story of Panna Dhai.


A steadfast belief that makes things possible! Portrayed through the story of Dhruva.


The happiest are those who give the most for others. Portrayed  through the story of kings Kumanan & Amanan


Persistence with a Purpose! Portrayed through the story of blackbird.


True measure of life! Portrayed through the story of king and the thief

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